Dr. Sheel Tangri was born in Mumbai (Bombay, India) but raised in Winnipeg, Canada. As such, he is a man with one foot in the east and one in the west. His traditional education includes a Bachelor’s degree in science and a doctoral degree in Chiropractic from Palmer Chiropractic University in Davenport, Iowa, U.S.A.
He has expanded his knowledge by taking over 2000 hours of seminars, giving him a deep knowledge of complimentary alternatives and a profound interest in physical, chemical, emotional and spiritual wellness.
He has combined the knowledge of different techniques that deal with treatment of physical, emotional, and chemical aspects of the body. Blending these techniques with his intuitive abilities and guidance, he has developed a system which can be performed in only one or two treatments and not need re-correction unless there is a new significant trauma
He feels that there is a place for all therapies. The art, however, is to know which therapy or modality is the appropriate one to use for the particular condition being addressed. This aids in eliminating unnecessary treatment or repetitive treatments, reduces cost, and ultimately returns the patient back to optimum health much faster. With the system he has created based on the knowledge of his teachers, he is able to make physical corrections for ANY condition, and then guide the person to a better understanding of how the body, mind and spirit/soul/ energy field are connected. They can then apply this information to their daily life and prevent the condition or imbalance from ever returning.
He has traveled the globe to over 30 countries performing treatments, giving workshops and training, and volunteering in underdeveloped countries. He established a successful practice in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada in 1990, and in the year 2005 moved to live in Samara, Costa Rica.
As a side hobby, Dr. Tangri is also a multi-talented musician going under the stage name of Highway Face. He is a one-man band that writes his own songs, plays the drums, guitar, bass guitar, harmonica, and sings. If you wish to hear samples of his eclectic music, go to his YouTube channel Highway Face to listen, like, and subscribe. You can also hear his CD “Doin It All” on Spotify here.
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Dr. Ferreri with Dr. Tangri in 1993 – San Francisco, US