
My doctorate is in the chiropractic sciences, in which the philosophy is the same as Neural Organization Technique. That is, to remove interference in the nervous system.

The difference between traditional chiropractic and Neural Organization Technique is that there is very little spinal adjusting in N.O.T. as found in chiropractic, and more use of connecting points on the body, by light touch or light rubbing.

One frustration that many have with chiropractic is that they have to keep returning for treatments for the same condition. “It just keeps coming back!”  That is what frustrated Dr. Ferreri, the founder of Neural Organization Technique. As a chiropractor he himself felt that there were limits to spinal adjusting and began to look deeper.

My approach is to first make sure the patient is neurologically organized using N.O.T. Once I know that all the higher circuits are in order then I can proceed to work on the joints and muscles, knowing that the commands coming from the central nervous system are in order as originally designed.



Spinal adjustments are very important for the health and well being of the human race, and should be utilized from the moment of birth until the end of physical life.  Unfortunately, many people believe that they should only go to see a chiropractor when they have a back or neck pain. You can have vertebral fixations or misalignments that interfere with the function of the nervous system, and this can weaken the overall system leading to illness and disease of all kinds. Therefore it makes sense to find a reliable doctor of Chiropractic for yourself and your family and utilize that doctor like you would a dentist, going in for periodic check-ups and treatments.


There is a myriad of information on the internet that will explain chiropractic and its various techniques.


If one understands the logic behind Neural Organization Technique, it would make sense that one would have that completed first, and then proceed with chiropractic and massage therapies. That is why on a first patient appointment I perform N.O.T.,  and then I proceed with other more traditional modalities.


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