Adolescents & Teens

Category: Hormonal System

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Not only do teens hit their heads a lot as they are active and taking certain risks, but they are also going through a difficult time with their identity and self esteem. If the neurological systems are disorganized, it is only going to be an added stress on the process, which could be assisted by neurologically reorganizing the teen.

Videos (2)

Video #1

Video #2

Audios (2)

  • Learning Disabilities
  • Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Questions & Answers (3)

Question 1:

"When I stand in front of a mirror, I can see that my head, shoulders and pelvis look uneven or tilted. Can this be corrected? "

Answer 1:

Yes it can. If you look at the human body, particularly the cranium/head, the shoulders, and the hip area, you will see that there are actually three pelvises, not one. The jaw bones that come together would be similar to your two collar bones coming together, and your pubic bones coming together. There are two round flat bones in the side of your head beneath the skin of your ears that move opposite to each other when you breathe. They are called the temporal bones. They would be analogous to your flat round shoulder blades or scapulae which move in a counter rotating manner, and your two flat round ileum bones which move counter to each other. You have a triangular bone at the back of your head called the occiput bone. It moves back and forth when you breathe, as does your triangular sternum in the front of your chest, and the triangular sacrum at the base of your spine. There are 4 circuits or sensors (2 on the front and 2 on the back) found in each of the three “pelvises”. If they are all calibrated to each other, they send information to the brain as to their location in space. The brain then calculates and decides which nerves it is going to send energy through, to stimulate the muscles of the head, neck, shoulders, and pelvis. This is done for one purpose only, which is to keep the animal as centered (plumb line) and upright against gravity as possible. If the person has ever struck their head or shoulders, fallen on their head or pelvis, or been struck/checked really hard from the side as in sports/car accidents, the calibration of any or all of the 12 points can become disorganized. The body will do its best to maintain plumb line/center of gravity between the jaw (the cranial pelvis) and the pubic bone (the body pelvis). It will intelligently do this by stimulating one side of the musculature more than the other side, causing the spine to pull or curve out of true center. Remember, it is doing this to maintain the head centered over the pelvis, at all expense. Without this compensatory mechanism you would be in severe pain, immobile, or even dead within a short time. This is why the muscles of one side of the neck, shoulder, or pelvis will pull more than the other, giving the appearance of one side tilting or being higher. This will change the length of one’s stride or “gait” when walking, and can be a main reason for why people wear out their shoes or heels more on one side than the other. It can be the reason why a person can be very strong with one arm or leg, but not with the other. A “gait fault” as we call it, is extremely common in most people, and fairly easy to correct in one treatment. It is as if the body program or motion picture in the brain is frozen in one frame where one arm and the opposite leg are extended forward (as in walking or your gait). Even though you may look like your standing straight with your legs together in centre, your neurology is really firing only one arm muscle group and the opposite leg group. If you watch people when they stand, many will have to lean over onto one hp when they stand or sit. They cannot stand on both feet very long without shifting their weight. This is a sign of a gait fault. It is largely responsible for why people can have a good back swing/kick in baseball, golf or other sports, but a poor fore swing. Of course if the gait fault is the reverse, they will have a good fore swing but a less than excellent back swing. It can be the cause of repetitive sprains, strains, muscle tightness, and spinal curvatures. Many people who present with a minor curvature in their spine are being misdiagnosed with having a “scoliosis”. In medical literature, about 85% of these are labeled as “idiopathic scoliosis”. Idiopathic literally translates into “origin unknown”! I find it very disturbing that information founded by chiropractors and chiropractic kinesiologists regarding the treatment of the body is being purposely ignored by the mainstream health “authorities”. Yet this same mainstream group can justify breaking segments of the spine, inserting rods into children to straighten the “appearance” of the spine (but really not addressing the “cause”, (as I have just explained) for a condition which is 85% idiopathic. They shouldn’t tamper with it if they don’t know or are refusing to listen to other approaches outside of their box of thinking. Please understand that there are cases of severe spinal malformations from genetic defects, etc, but more needs to be learned by parents and doctors alike before going to the most extreme treatment first.

Question 2:

"We have a child who has trouble remembering things she reads. She does study and is not lazy, however she is getting frustrated that she can study so hard and be ready for a test the next morning, only to not remember a lot of the material she studied. As well we have another child who is very smart and agile, but as soon as you start to sit him down to read a book or talk to him, it is like he just cannot focus. Can you help our kids?"

Answer 2:

Most of us have had a cranial injury in our early years which is still uncorrected, because few have had access to Neural Organization Technique to have it corrected. You must have an organized cranial program as a foundation for being able to do higher thought processes (learning and comprehending), therefore most of us have some form of learning difficulties or disabilities in some areas whether it be listening, reading, memory, or directionality. Unfortunately, most of the mainstream services provided in this field spend their time trying to correct the symptom rather than the cause. Diet is important as well as providing proper teaching and study skills. However, none of the aforementioned will be totally effective until the base neurological programs are corrected using Neural Organization Technique and other techniques in the field of Specialized Kinesiology .Read the list below to understand that dyslexia, Attention Deficit Disorder, and other learning disabilities are not a disease or single entity, but rather a combination of difficulties or neural disorganizations. These blown circuits interfere with one’s level of comprehending, remembering, and recalling information as well as making decisions that support the individual’s well being as well as those with whom the person interacts. Confusion and disorientation/coordination Attention Deficit Disorder or ADD Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder or ADHD Bumping into things/clumsy/klutzy Difficulty remembering what you read Difficulty focusing Tongue tied/difficulty recalling words out of one’s mouth/Stuttering Strokes/cranial circulation Equilibrium/balance/vertigo Difficulty reading in a car Difficulty remembering names/faces Difficulty spinning in one or both directions Nervousness around heights/ascending or descending stairs or ladders Difficulty standing on one leg Difficulty hearing/concentrating with background noise Tired or falling asleep easily when reading/having to concentrate Difficulty with right brain skills (reading/languages/emotions/relaxing/spelling) Difficulty with left brain skills (math/logical thinking/completing tasks and projects) Overly right brain without order and focus (left brain injury) Overly left brain without flexibility and feeling (right brain injury) Neck tension or tired when reading/studying/working at a computer/driving Confusing rights and lefts Procrastination Apathy/suicidal/depression N.O.T has had tremendous success with correcting learning problems in one or two treatments. Dr. Ferreri wrote a book entitled “Breakthrough for Learning Disabilities and Dyslexia” at a time when hardly anyone was paying much attention to this now common condition. Remember, the treatments are gentle and only involve rubbing and connecting the circuitry. It is too involved for me to explain all the circuitry involved with the above list, however, there is logic and science behind each and every correction.

Question 3:

"I always seem to have tightness and pain between my shoulder blades. Massage and chiropractic only temporarily help. How can N.O.T. help me?"

Answer 3:

Usually the body will have sustained an injury to the head, which we label a “cranial injury” (refer to my book “Let It Flow”). If the program responsible for holding the head is functioning, the brain will command the nerves to stimulate both the front and back muscles of the head, neck and chest equally. With a cranial trauma, the program can become disorganized or “off”. The result is that the head now feels heavy, and the survival response by your innate intelligence is to turn down the nerve energy to your front musculature and put as much energy to your posterior or rear head, neck, and upper back muscles. Your innate survival mechanisms do this to create a back up system for the purpose of holding your head up. Without this you would not be able to see in front of you, and from a primitive survival standpoint, would not be able to see oncoming attackers! Some other signs and symptoms of a cranial injury are pain and tension at the base of the skull and upper neck, headaches, restricted range of motion of the neck, vertigo or difficult balance, difficulty concentrating or remembering, a feeling the head being very heavy to hold up, slouched posture, one leg shorter than the other when lying on the stomach, an appearance of the head always tilting to one side, jaw tension, and the list goes on. The solution is not to soften the muscles of the back or free up the joints first, but to let them do their job of staying tight to keep the backup system functioning. The solution is to fix the circuitry in the cranium (a protocol found in the N.O.T. treatment). The body will then immediately discontinue hyper-stimulating the back muscles of the body and restore power to the front muscles, so that both front and back can share the load of holding the head up. The tension between the shoulders will then diminish as the cause has been corrected. After the cranial circuitry or neurology is corrected, one may find benefit from a few chiropractic adjustments combined with massage to restore joint mobility and loosen the fibrotic soft tissue.

Testimonials (3)

When Sam, my son, came to see you last fall, you cleared and reset the after-effects of a bad fall he suffered when he was very young.  This fall had affected the straightness of his teeth.  I am happy to report that as the remaining baby teeth have come out, the permanent teeth that were already in place have realigned themselves.  His upper front teeth are now almost perfectly straight and it is unlikely we will now be pursuing orthodontic treatment for him as he doesn’t really need it! Yippee!!


Thank you so much once again for the very special morning session with our students. I know they got a lot out of it. I saw Sheyla standing up much straighter…. Lucy and Nina and I all felt super energized all afternoon long; thank you so much!

Andrea Keith - Playa Samara, Costa Rica

Executive Director

La Asociacion CREAR


Dr. Sheel Tangri has been an absolute savior to our family. He has helped my wife and I with things like back/neck pain, tendonitis, insomnia, and general health. He has also helped our children with a variety of ailments. He is affordable and absolutely trust worthy. While his methods are not as traditional as we were used to, they work. He is now the first appointment we make when one of us is not feeling well. He has kept our family healthy and balanced. I have recommended him to friends and family who feel the same way. We are lucky to have him in our area.

Bram Shook - Nosara, Costa Rica