Ankle & Foot Problems

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Usually caused by a disorganization of the balance circuits found in the cranial and pelvic circuitry. If these are disorganized the body never knows how to say solid on the ground. Since most of the body weight goes on the ankle and feet, they are in actuality "wobbly" resulting in repetitive sprains and strains and other problems.

Videos (3)

Video #1

Video #2

Video #3

Audio (1)

  • Ankle and Foot Problems

Question & Answer (1)

Question 1:

"I notice my shoes wear down unevenly. Does this tell you anything about my body and can you help?"

Answer 1:

With falls, accidents, traumas, and sports injuries, the body can lose its calibration of where is the head in relation to the shoulders and in relation to the pelvis. If disorganized, the neurology will do everything it can to maintain center of gravity by stimulating the musculature of one side of the body more than the other, causing the spine to pull or curve out of true center. This is why the muscles of one side of the neck, shoulder, or pelvis will pull more than the other, giving the appearance of one side tilting or being higher. It is usually the reason why a person can be very strong with one arm or leg, but not with the other. This will change the length of one’s stride or “gait” when walking, and can be a main reason for why people wear out their shoes or heels more on one side than the other and appear to have one leg shorter than the other. It will affect the hips, knees, ankles and feet over time, leading to instability and sprain/strain which does not seem to get better over time. Many with this condition cannot stand on both feet or sit for very long without shifting their weight to one side. These are all signs and symptoms of a gait fault which is extremely common in most people, and fairly easy to correct. Many people who present with a minor curvature in their spine are being misdiagnosed with having a “scoliosis” when really it is a gait fault only. See section on scoliosis to understand it’s cause.