Frequent illnesses

Category: Digestive / Immune System

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The immune and digestive system are secondary to the defense system. As explained in the theory of N.O.T., the defense system has to be corrected firs, Then the immune system can be corrected or will naturally become stronger, as it starts to receive more energy,

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  • CFS, Allergies, Frequent colds, illnesses

Questions & Answers (2)

Question 1:

"My daughter is constantly getting colds and coughs, yet I see other kids staying healthy. We eat very well in comparison to the other families, so I know that is not the problem. I don’t want to keep using the excuse that there is “just another flu or cold going around” as I know this is not a true reason. What could be going on?"

Answer 1:

If you understand the theory of N.O.T, most of us have had at least one injury in our early years in which the body could not self correct or reboot and come out of neurologically. The innate intelligence then must put more energy into staying prepared for a future life threatening trauma (locked in fight/flight). Unfortunately, the extra energy needed for the fight/flight protective system is taken from the immune system and reproductive/hormonal systems. The weak immune system and recurring illnesses are usually secondary, and the primary correction needed is to first correct and disarm the fight/flight system, using the N.O.T. protocols. This is why you may find that antibiotics and other medications are not working.

Question 2:

"Both of my children have recurring ear infections. My elder child had tubes put in his ears but the infections still continued. My doctor says it’s normal. I read that dairy products increase mucous production in the body and support the growth of unfavorable bacteria which lead to infections. Even after I have eliminated dairy from the kids’ diet, the problem remains. What would your approach be?"

Answer 2:

You are doing the right thing by limiting or eliminating the dairy products, which would always be my recommendation. From a structural standpoint, however, quite commonly several possibilities exist. The simplest possibility can be corrected by any chiropractor, in which the top vertebra or “atlas” vertebrae is stuck or fixated and needs to be mobilized or adjusted. The logic behind why the infections are recurring is due to improper drainage of the Eustachian tubes. The Eustachian tubes connect the middle ear to the inside of the throat area or nasopharynx. Not only does this allow for equalization of air pressure (as when we yawn or open our mouths in an airplane) but also to allow for a tight or taut tube allowing fluids to drain into the throat and out of the body. If the atlas is stuck off to one side, the musculature and other anatomy in the area is under more tension on one side and so the tube is more taut on one side, but lax on the other. This causes poor drainage on the lax side and the fluids accumulate. Then the bacteria move in as they have a swamp to live in! The more complex cause is that the higher centers that keep the head righted (i.e. the cranial injury complex discussed in Answer 1) are not working and the atlas is going out of optimal position in COMPENSATION to the offset cranium. In this case the chiropractic adjustments would be short lasting, and a cranial injury correction using the N.O.T. protocols would first be needed. Once the cranial circuitry is corrected and calibrated, the adjustment to the neck could be performed and the problem corrected.