Short Leg Syndrome

Category: Defense system

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Unless you broke your leg bones or had a true genetic condition (rare) would that be the cause of a short leg. Usually the head, neck and pelvis are in disorganization to one another and the body is contracting on one side. This gives the appearance of a short leg. The person will shift to one leg when standing after a few seconds. Extremely common and very easy to correct.

Videos (4)

Video #1

Video #2

Video #3

Video #4

Audio (1)

  • Short Leg Syndrome

Question & Answer (1)

Question 1:

"My tailor noticed that she always has to hem one of my pants a little shorter than the other, and suggested I see a chiropractor. My hairdresser noticed that my head was always tilted and had to cut my hair at an angle. The chiropractor informed me that this is because my spine was out of line or stuck, producing a pull more on one side of my body that the other. This was giving the appearance of one leg being shorter than the other when I lay on his treatment table. However, I have not broken any bones to cause one leg to be shorter. Initially, after a few treatments, my legs became even and I had all my pants re-tailored. Now I notice that the adjustments that the chiropractor performs don’t stay and my head and pelvis are tilting. Can you help me to understand why the adjustments won’t hold?"

Answer 1:

This is a great question since many people experience this problem and many are unaware that it is happening in their body. After reviewing my videos on The theory of N.O.T, The Defense System, and The Cranial Injury, you will understand that the cranium is the prime cause of the problem (i.e.; and old head trauma, probably when you were very young). Your body is pulling the neck, spine, and hips more on one side than on the other in compensation for the disorganization between your head and pelvis. It is purposely doing this to be able to stay upright in a center of gravity.This gives the appearance of a head tilt, pelvis tilt, and short leg. That is why the adjustments help for a limited period of time. The spine is following the signals from the cranial gyroscope program which was disorganized ever since the head trauma. If one were to calibrate the cranial program first, the spine would recenter and gladly allow for the adjustments. They would hold permanently after only half a dozen appointments with the chiropractor.

Testimonial (1)

I went to see Dr Tangri in 1999.I had a particular way of walking that had my whole pelvis swing back and forth as I walked, I had no freedom in my pelvis.  It moved as all one piece rather than the way it was designed to work.  Like most people I had one leg shorter than the other but did not notice either of these conditions as it had always been that way.

It was a day or two after my session that my husband noticed that I was no longer walking with my pelvis swinging back and forth. I was now walking like other people do… my pelvis was free!  Holy cow, I could hardly believe it.  What also happened was I gained an inch in height.  My spine had lengthened, my pelvis had freed up and I felt great!  I know there were other results from my subsequent sessions, but this one was the one that stands out for me as I continue to enjoy the freedom of walking that I still have.

Deb Connoly - Victoria BC, Canada